
It should have been a year or so, then how could it feel so warm and lively?
That's her with those sweet brown eyes once again looking down at me at the other side of the road.
Don’t know I'm terrified or released, I just close my eyes to have her behind my eyelids forever…
- No Sarina! Don't do that. its too dangerous
- Come on, it easy just keep it going straight. Put your foot exactly in the same direction; see there is no need to see anything.
- But why should we go blind when we have the eyes?
- Don’t you have something called imagination? It feels like flying, like being free to go…
- I don’t feel anything but darkness and I don’t like it
- But I do. It's all white. And I'm in the air just watching not to fall down. My wings are growing I try to open them
- You're in middle of a shit. Look you're messing everything up. This is not what we came here for.
- Oh really?
- Ya really. You said we are going to be free but this is suicide
- No its not. Its flying, its going where nobody else can reach you. Look! I AM ALIVE.
- Maybe but you've lost your mind. There is a 30 meters wide road here and you're walking on a 30 centimeters rail and with closed eyes
- Believe me. It's safer this way. The road you're walking on is 50 meters high but my rail is fifty plus one meters high. Come up here.
- No thanks. This is the last place I'm coming with you. See that sign, this bridge is for cars only.
- Those who read signs are stopped wherever they tell them. Be free. Signs are just to ...
- Please! I know what you wanna say "these are just to limit us" I've heard it a thousand times
- Ya and you have lost the meaning a thousand times. You can't reach the other side without this signs, this is how limited you are
- And you think you can?
- Sure. See. Its just like flying in white space
- No! Sarina! Truck's coming, oh my goodness…
And I don’t know if she still sees the white space or maybe now she can feel the redness of her own blood. And I look to find an H sign where there may be a Hospital