Death of a Dictator

Saddam Executed
Should I be happy to hear that before I take off my coat at my desk at our News Agency? I have no time to think about it when making a fading smile remembering days when my childhood house in Qom was bombarded by Iraqi fighters.
They say I should not be happy to hear of someone's death. But how could it be true of a cruel dictator who never missed an opportunity to slaughter others. He was responsible for the death if many of my classmate in our Imam Sadegh Elementary School.
You may have seen horrible pictures of children slaughtered by their own ruler and may have pitied them. But I have seen them with my own eyes. I never hoped for the death of others, even for Saddam, but couldn’t help feeling reassured of justice being implemented when I heard "Saddam was executed at early hours of Saturday morning".
March 2003 has turned to be a point of confusion, should US have intervened in Iraq? Could it prevent a huge damage by not intervening in Iraq?
I don’t know. I can not explain how happy I was when I witnessed the initiation of US Attack on Iraq.
I agree it now has turned into a real turmoil due to misjudgments and mistakes as many other conflicts in the world.
Well better not to make an ethical judgment.
US was NOT wrong to overthrow a bloodthirsty dictator called Saddam. Lets work to get other accompanying mistakes right.
Should I be happy to hear that before I take off my coat at my desk at our News Agency? I have no time to think about it when making a fading smile remembering days when my childhood house in Qom was bombarded by Iraqi fighters.
They say I should not be happy to hear of someone's death. But how could it be true of a cruel dictator who never missed an opportunity to slaughter others. He was responsible for the death if many of my classmate in our Imam Sadegh Elementary School.
You may have seen horrible pictures of children slaughtered by their own ruler and may have pitied them. But I have seen them with my own eyes. I never hoped for the death of others, even for Saddam, but couldn’t help feeling reassured of justice being implemented when I heard "Saddam was executed at early hours of Saturday morning".
March 2003 has turned to be a point of confusion, should US have intervened in Iraq? Could it prevent a huge damage by not intervening in Iraq?
I don’t know. I can not explain how happy I was when I witnessed the initiation of US Attack on Iraq.
I agree it now has turned into a real turmoil due to misjudgments and mistakes as many other conflicts in the world.
Well better not to make an ethical judgment.
US was NOT wrong to overthrow a bloodthirsty dictator called Saddam. Lets work to get other accompanying mistakes right.
Lets pray for those who have the courage to sacrifice for the justice to be done against those who make themselves exceptions by their cruel powers.
Hey Ali,
I just read your post a second time...Great job!
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