And God May Survive

Iranians and most Middle Easterners spent hopeful days in late 1990s and early 2000s when new political atmosphere gave their individual and national demands a time to breathe over imposed scared and divine regulations with rigid unbreakable borders.
They got a chance to live their lives based on individual preferences not some black & white definitions derived out of old or new inspirations. The people of Middle East, historically known for their religious and philosophical inclinations, were experiencing something that most westerners never did.
Middle East was going through a religious reform mostly unlike western Renaissance in the way it did not counter religion but tried to formulate a peaceful co-existence, to catalyze the Dialogue among Civilizations by Mohammad Khatami and prevent the Clash of Civilizations anticipated by Samuel Huntington.
But Armageddon did not end the promised way and the evil forces rubbed the victory once more.
Again the extremists got the lead "to save the world from the evil it has been trapped in" and to defeat "wrong doers who are to deceive people and guide them toward hell".
Once more fundamentalists are leading and we are living our doomed life just waiting to see if the forerunners of democracy would fight them and if The Day would come.
The ships are coming, the fighters took off, and tanks departed on their way. Two sides are drawing lines, armoring more and more forces, sending more troops with bombs…but some thing is missing. No one has time to think about us? Will we remain? And how?
They don’t have the time so forget and just pray after this Armageddon, "God May Survive".
They got a chance to live their lives based on individual preferences not some black & white definitions derived out of old or new inspirations. The people of Middle East, historically known for their religious and philosophical inclinations, were experiencing something that most westerners never did.
Middle East was going through a religious reform mostly unlike western Renaissance in the way it did not counter religion but tried to formulate a peaceful co-existence, to catalyze the Dialogue among Civilizations by Mohammad Khatami and prevent the Clash of Civilizations anticipated by Samuel Huntington.
But Armageddon did not end the promised way and the evil forces rubbed the victory once more.
Again the extremists got the lead "to save the world from the evil it has been trapped in" and to defeat "wrong doers who are to deceive people and guide them toward hell".
Once more fundamentalists are leading and we are living our doomed life just waiting to see if the forerunners of democracy would fight them and if The Day would come.
The ships are coming, the fighters took off, and tanks departed on their way. Two sides are drawing lines, armoring more and more forces, sending more troops with bombs…but some thing is missing. No one has time to think about us? Will we remain? And how?
They don’t have the time so forget and just pray after this Armageddon, "God May Survive".